Peak 10205

The northwest face. Derek Percoski Photo

This peak is not in the book. Derek Percoski provided the photos and route information. Updated August 2020 This occasionally climbed 10,000-foot Sawtooth peak is located due south of the west end of Toxaway Lake and NNW of Snowyside Peak. Derek Percoski reports “Over the years out of the thousands of backpackers that come to the area, each peak probably … Continue reading

Peak 10060 by Derek Percoski

This peak is not in the book. Updated November 2020 Peak 10060 is located on the main Sawtooth Crest midway between Elk Peak and Mount Cramer. USGS Warbonnet Peak Access FST-101/FST-154, Redfish Lake Creek Trail [(A)(6)(b) Pages 206-207]. Take the Redfish Lake Shuttle to reach the starting point. Without the shuttle would require a high fitness level to climb the … Continue reading

Peak 9980

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2023 This peak is located just west of the main Sawtooth Crest and Mount Underhill. This peak is remote and difficult to reach. I suspect that when the LiDAR data for this area is published (2026?) this peak will be recognized as a 10er. While the peak has probably been climbed … Continue reading

Red Sentinel

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 170-171 of the book. Red Sentinel rises steeply above Redfish Lake Creek and is northeast of Le Bec D’Aigle. There is only one reported climb of this peak.  USGS Warbonnet Peak … Continue reading

Peak 9510

Peak 9510. Google Earth Image

This peak is not in the book. Peak 9510 is located just north of the pass between Alpine Lake and Baron Lake. It is just west of Le Bec D’Aigle. USGS Warbonnet Peak Access FST-101, [(A)(6)(c) on Page 207] South Ridge, Class 3 Leave FST-101 at the pass and climb the South Ridge. The exact line is unreported. … Continue reading