Peak 10583

This peak is not in the book. Peak 10583 is located on the main Lemhi Range Crest between Yellow Peak and Big Creek Peak. USGS Yellow Peak Access See the page for Peak 10268. North Ridge, Class 2+ From Peak 10268, follow the ridge south to the summit of Peak 10583. … Continue reading

Peak 10268 (Park Fork Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Park Fork Peak is located west of Yellow Peak. USGS Yellow Peak Access [(A)(8.2)(a) or (A)(8.3)(a) on Pages 314-315] South Ridge, Class 2 FST-183.1 crosses a saddle due west of Yellow Peak. Just south of the saddle, look for the remnants of a trail that climbs to the saddle south of the peak. Climb … Continue reading

Peak 9909 (Devon Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Devon Peak is located northeast of West Rocky Peak and northwest of Rocky Peak. USGS Sheephorn Peak Access [(A)(8.2)(a) on Page 314] Southeast Ridge, Class 3 and Northwest Face/Southeast Ridge, Class 3 Rick Baugher’s trip report is linked below. It has several nice photos and the peak’s history. Michael Darcy traverse the Southeast Ridge from … Continue reading