Peak 10420 by Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 269 of the book. The route in the book utilizes the southeast gully to reach the summit. Livingston Douglas climbed a new route, the southeast face/southeast ridge. The last photo on the page shows the the entire peak. Updated November 2021 Peak 10420 is located east of the main Pahsimeroi … Continue reading

Peak 10620 (Linebacker Peak)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 266 of the book. The book lists the elevation at 10,615 feet. Newer estimates put the elevation at 10,620 feet. This peak is the northwestern-most 10,000-foot summit in the Lost River Range. USGS Grouse Creek Mountain  … Continue reading

Peak 10751 (Midway Mountain)

Peak 10751 (Midway Mountain). Larry Prescott Photo

This peak is not in the book. Judi Steciak provided photos and a route description for the peak’s northwest ridge. Livingston Douglas has provided an alternative descent route off this peak which is set out below. Updated December 2019 Peak 10751 is located on the main Lemhi Ridge Crest roughly midway between Bell Mountain and Diamond Peak. This peak is … Continue reading

Negro Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 303 of the book. Negro Peak is located east of the main Lemhi Range Crest between Negro Green Creek to the north and Deer Creek to the south. Rick Baugher’s trip report is linked below. It has a discussion of the history behind the name and good photos of the … Continue reading