South Sulphur Peak by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2018 The easiest ascent route for South Sulphur BM is its northwest ridge via the junction of North Sulphur Canyon Road and South Sulphur Canyon Road. It is on beautiful, wide-open terrain (desert scrub). Unfortunately, this route is almost entirely on private land. Although I did not see any “NO TRESPASSING” … Continue reading

Sulphur Peak by Livingston Douglas

Although Sulphur Peak was mentioned in the book, climbing information for this peak was not provided because at that time the peak was “the site of an active phosphate mine and an ascent of the peak is not recommended.”  As you will read below, things have changed. Published November 2018 Sulphur Peak is the monarch of the Sulphur Canyon area. … Continue reading