Peak 9245 (Saint Charles Peak) by Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 366 of the book. The book provides information for ascending the peak from the west. Livingston Douglas climbed and descended the peak from the east. His beta is set out below. USGS Paris Peak. Published October 2018 Northeast Ridge, Class 2 Access Drive up Bloomington Canyon Road/FSR-409 from US-89 at the … Continue reading

Peak 9237 (Hidden Lake Peak) by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2018 Peak 9237 sits directly above Hidden Lake and above Gibson Basin, which lies farther to the northeast. USGS Egan Basin.  Northwest Ridge, Class 2+ Access From the Utah side, leave US-89 at its junction with Franklin Basin Road/FSR-006. This signed junction is located 2.8 miles west of CR-243/Beaver Mountain Ski Area … Continue reading

Peak 9054 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2018 Peak 9054 is located west of Bear Lake in the southern Bear River Range. USGS Egan Basin South Ridge (Standard Route), Class 2 Access From the Utah side, turn off US-89 onto [signed] Swan Flat Road/FSR-014. Drive north on Swan Flat Road up over a long, flat saddle (lots of excellent … Continue reading