Peak 8122 (No Trail Peak 2)

Peak 8122. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. October 2018 Peak 8122 is located southwest of McCall on the main Lick Creek Range Crest, due west of Peak 8260/No Trail Peak 1 and north of Blackmare Lake. This area is remote from an access standpoint. USGS Blackmare Access Kennally Creek Road to Kennally Creek Campground [(B)(5) on Page 138] West Ridge, Class … Continue reading

Peak 8260 (No Trail Peak 1)

Peak 8260. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. October 2018 Peak 8260 is located southwest of McCall on the main Lick Creek Range Crest and NNW of Blackmare Lake. This area is remote from an access standpoint. USGS Blackmare Access Kennally Creek Road to Kennally Creek Campground [(B)(5) on Page 138]. Southwest Ridge, Class 2 John Platt ascended the peak via … Continue reading

Peak 7047

Peak 7047 viewed from the southeast.

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2018 Peak 7047 is located on the main Owyhee Mountains Crest NNE of New York Summit and south of Slacks Mountain. This area of the crest is festooned with granite towers and boulders. The peak is capped by a few granite boulders. As of late 2018, a register is located on … Continue reading

Peak 8722

Peak 8722 viewed from Chinook Mountain. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2018 Peak 8722 is located Peak 8854 and Chinook Mountain on a ridge system that divides Little Pistol Creek and Forty-Four Creek. This ridge system has 5 ranked summits with Chinook Mountain as the highest point. Use the link below to read John Platt’s trip report which covers this impressive ridge traverse. … Continue reading

Peak 8894

Peak 8894 viewed from Little Baldy.

This peak is not in the book. Updated August 2019 Peak 8894 is the westernmost summit on a ridge system that divides Little Pistol Creek and Forty-Four Creek. This ridge system has 5 ranked summits with Chinook Mountain as the highest point. Between Peak 8894 and Chinook Mountain Mountain are Peak 8854 and Peak 8722. Use the link below to read … Continue reading

Peak 8291 (Golden Lake Peak)

Golden Lake and Golden Lake Peak. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2018 Golden Lake Peak is located due south of Golden Lake in the Lick Creek Range. The Northeast Ridge and South Ridge are both Class 2+. Use the link below to read John Platt’s trip report. John reports:  “You can also climb this peak from Golden Lake. Hence the name. The … Continue reading