Gallagher Peak

Gallagher Peak. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Updated April 2020 Gallagher Peak is located in the southwest corner of the Salmon River Mountains, just north of the South Fork Payette River. John Platt first pointed this peak out to me, noting it was a great early season destination. He said this peak, which he has climbed three times, is a … Continue reading

Teapot Mountain

Teapot Mountain. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Teapot Mountain is located north of Warm Lake and just west of the South Fork Salmon River. John Platt and John Fadgen climbed the peak in January 2018 starting at the Buckhorn Creek Trailhead on South Fork Road. They made a loop over the summit which covered 5.9 miles with 1,877 feet of … Continue reading

Peak 5428

Approaching Peak 5428 from the south.

This peak is not in the book. Published April 2018 Peak 5428 is located due south of Peak 5580 on the north side of the Silver City Range in the Owyhee Mountains. Climb the peak via its South Ridge. Please refer to the Peak 5580 page for access and route information. USGS Silver City   … Continue reading

Peak 5580

Peak 5580 viewed from Peak 5428. The highest point is behind the granite point.

This peak is not in the book. Published April 2018. Peak 5580 is located on the northern flanks of the Silver City Range in the Owyhee Mountains. It is part of a large uplifted area north of the main crest and Sinker Creek. This section has several points which fall under 300 feet of prominence, including Peak 5428. The open … Continue reading

Peak 6889 by Brett Sergenian

Peak 6889. Brett Sergenian Photo

This peak is not in the book. Brett chose his route to avoid the private land surrounding De Lamar. This private land is related to the historic mining operations. Published April 2014. Peak 6889 is located west of Silver City and southeast of the De Lamar mining site. USGS Flint Access Approach the peak from the De Lamar/Silver City Road … Continue reading