Peak 7757 (Johnstone Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Peak 7757 is located due north of South Mountain in the southern Owyhee Mountains. It is an attractive summit with a nice view. The summit of the peak is on BLM land and State land surrounds it on three sides. USGS Williams Creek Access Use the access directions on the South Mountain page … Continue reading

South Mountain

This peak is not in the book. South Mountain is located in Idaho’s far southwest corner. This big mountain is somewhat detached from the main Owyhee Mountains crest. It is nearly a small mountain range in its own right. Given its prominence, size and location, South Mountain is an impressive peak by any measurement. USGS Cliffs A large part of … Continue reading

Peak 7763

This peak is not in the book. Peak 7763 sits west of the main Lick Creek Range Crest and Peak 8217. John Platt climbed the peak by traversing the ridge from Peak 8217. See John’s trip report linked below. Access is from the East Fork Kennally Creek Trail. Follow the trail to Blackmare Pass, then climb Peak 8217 before following … Continue reading

Peak 8217

This peak is not in the book. Peak 8217 sits on the main Lick Creek Range crest just north of Blackare Pass. Access the peak from the East Fork Kennally Creek Trail. See John Platt’s trip report linked below. He combined the ascent of this peak with climbs of Peak 8486 (located just north of the pass) and Peak 7773 … Continue reading

Peak 8486

This peak is not in the book. Peak 8486 sits on the main Lick Creek Range Crest just south of Blackmare Pass. Access the peak from the East Fork Kennally Creek Trail. The Lick Creek Subrange in the Western Salmon River Mountains has many worthwhile summits that see little activity. John Platt has been systematically exploring the range and bringing … Continue reading

Cornice Point

This peak is not in the book. This peak’s name was changed to Cornice Point from Squaw Point in 2022 by order of the Depart of Interior. Two routes are set out below. Cornice Point is a rugged granite peak on a long summit ridge that has two points of similar height. This peak is located north of McCall, south … Continue reading