Sheldon Peak

This peak is not in the book. Sheldon Peak is an attractive summit located along the Sleeping Deer Mountain Road just north of Fly Creek Point. See the Sleeping Deer Mountain page for information on road access. Climb the peak via its broad West Ridge/Face from the point where the road leaves the saddle between Sheldon Peak and Peak 8874. … Continue reading

Martin Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 132 of the book. Martin Mountain is found at the north end of ridge complex that begins at Sleeping Deer Mountain. At one time, a fire lookout was located on the peak’s [lower] North Summit. The book used the elevation for the North Summit. The elevation of the high point … Continue reading


Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 219 of the book. I added Brett Sergenian’s GPS track which shows the standard route for this peak. Livingston Douglas provided route information for peak’s north ridge and west ridge. His difficult Class 3 climb up the west ridge was more than likely a first ascent. Also check out Dave … Continue reading

Gospel Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 69 of the book. This peak is one of five peaks that make up the Gospel Crags Group. Contributor Mike Hays has provided us a more detailed and updated access and route information report, which is set out below. I have added a GPS track, photos and additional information in … Continue reading

Peak 10300

This peak is not in the book. Peak 10350 is one of 4 ranked Boulder Mountains peaks surrounding Little Fall Creek. This peak can be climbed from most directions. You should be able to find a Class 2 route, no matter which way you approach the peak. The other 3 peaks are Peak 10340, Peak 10356 and Peak 10350. USGS … Continue reading

Peak 10350

This peak is not in the book. Peak 10350 is one of 4 ranked Boulder Mountains peaks surrounding Little Fall Creek. This is the most interesting of the 4 peaks. It can be climbed from most directions. You should be able to find a Class 2 route, no matter which way you approach the peak. The other 3 peaks are … Continue reading