Peak 7384 (Corral Peak)

Corral Peak. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Corral Peak is located above and north of Corral Lake. Access the peak via Goose Creek/Hazard Lake Road/FS-257 [(B)(1) on Page 134]. Follow the road north for 13.4 miles to the Granite Mountain trailhead. Park just north of this trailhead. Hike to Corral Lake and then climb up the peak’s Southeast Ridge. Class … Continue reading

Peak 7420

Peak 7420 from the east. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Peak 7420 is located southwest of Goose Lake. Access is via Goose Creek/Hazard Lake Road [(B)(1) on Page 134]. Follow the road north to Goose Lake Reservoir and turn west into the Goose Creek Campground. FS-273 leaves the campground and heads south. Follow this road past the saddle at roughly 6,600 feet, just … Continue reading

Elk Mountain 7826 by Mike Hays

Elk Mountain from the northwest. Mike Hays Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 71 of the book. Elk Mountain is the highest mountain of several clusters of granite peaks found inside the curve made by the Selway River as it flows north then west. It is the tallest of the Clearwater Mountains between the main Bitterroots near Montana on the east and the … Continue reading

Southwest Butte by Mike Hays/TL

Southwest Butte. Mike Hays Photo

This peak is not in the book. I have updated Mike’s narrative with bracketed text [*] additions to cover recent developments.  Update July 2022 Southwest Butte is the high point of a small group of mountains between the Salmon River Canyon and the high mountains of the Gospel-Hump Wilderness to the east. The butte is the high point across approximately … Continue reading

Cottonwood Butte

The summit of Cottonwood Butte sits between the buildings in this photo.

This p2k summit is not in the book and not really part of any Idaho Mountain Range. Cottonwood Butte is located west of Cottonwood, Idaho. It is the highest culmination of the rolling hills that are known as the Camas Prairie (not to be confused with the Camas Prairie that sits between the Soldier Mountains and the Mount Bennett Hills). … Continue reading

Salmon Mountain

Approaching the lookout.

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 73 of the book. Updated access information is linked below. Updated August 2017 Salmon Mountain is the tallest summit along the Magruder Corridor. The fire lookout on the summit is staffed during the summer. Views from the summit are nearly endless. The peak has two impressive faces (Northeast and South) … Continue reading