Peak 5740

This peak is not in the book. Peak 5740 is located due west of Little Camas Reservoir and just north of ID-20 where the highway crosses Windy Gap. The nearly treeless peak is an easy ascent from Windy Gap. You will find a pullout on the north side of the highway just east of the top of the pass. A … Continue reading

Taylor Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 363 of the book. Livingston Douglas provided the updated route information set out below. Brian Shumway added additional access information in the form of maps and photo. Updated November 2022 Taylor Mountain sits southeast of Idaho Falls at the northern end of the Blackfoot Mountains. The summit is managed by … Continue reading

Missouri Ridge

This peak is not in the book. Missouri Ridge is located due south of The Pinnacles. Climbing directions for The Pinnacles are found on Page 121 of the book. The Missouri Ridge Route also works for ascents of The Pinnacles. USGS Edwardsburg Take the Missouri Creek Trail until you reach a cabin. From the cabin, an old trail proceeds to … Continue reading

Bald Mountain 9006

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 310 of the book. Livingston Douglas climbed a new route on this peak which is set out below. Updated November 2019 Yet another Bald Mountain. This lesser Lemhi Range summit sits east of the main Lemhi Ridge Crest. Although the peak just barely tops 9,000 feet, getting to its summit … Continue reading

Peak 10216 (Liberty Mountain)

This peak is not in the book. The elevation has been updated to 10,216 feet based on new LiDAR measurements. Updated December 2023 Liberty Mountain is located due east of ID-28 at Gilmore Summit and east of Meadow Lake. Based on my observations, I believe that the peak can be climbed via its west face from Meadow Lake. Larry Prescott … Continue reading