Moose Creek Buttes by Dan Saxton

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 63-64 of the book. The Moose Creek Butte area has been a mythical area from me ever since I learned about the area from Sheldon Bluestein 30 years ago. Mythical because of its Shangri-La type remoteness and reported beauty. A big thanks to Dan Saxton for providing the following report … Continue reading

Peak 8332 (Vics Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Peak 8332 is another Lick Creek Range peak explored by John Platt. This peak is located northeast of Jughandle MountainĀ in the middle of a beautiful and easily-accessible roadless area just southeast of McCall, Idaho. Check out the link to John’s trip report for more details. USGS Paddy Flat … Continue reading

Buffalo Hump

Buffalo Hump viewed from the ridge crossing. The north ridge is on the right.

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 70 of the book. Thanks to Victor Zhou, who wrote the initial updated access and route information as well as providing several great photos. I provided the updated North Ridge route information based on my 2020 climb found below. Updated July 2020. 2017 Access and South Ridge Update by Victor … Continue reading

Peak 8762 (Pomerelle Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Livingston Douglas supplied the detailed route descriptions found below. Updated November 2018 Pomerelle Peak is the highest point in the Pomerelle Ski area. Its summit can be reached either from the ski area lodge by walking up the runs or from the Mount Harrison Road by following a 4WD road up from the … Continue reading