Dead Horse Summit

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 326-327 of the book. Dead Horse Summit is a large mountain located west of the main Beaverhead Mountains Crest. Three drainages (Indian Head Canyon, Cliff Creek, Mahogany Gulch) drop to the west from this peak’s broad summit. The book covers Rick Baugher’s ascent via Mahogany Gulch. More recently, Bob Bolton … Continue reading

Peak 8820

Peak 8820. Rick Baugher Photo

This peak is not in the book. Peak 8820 is noted for its ragged, steep summit ridge. The peak is located southwest of Pass Creek Summit. Mill Creek is on its North Side and an unnamed drainage is found on its South Side. Both drainages empty into Pass Creek. The peak was probably first climbed by Rick Baugher in 2011. … Continue reading

Shares Snout

This peak is not in the book. Livingston Douglas contributed a photo to this entry. Updated November 2022 Shares Snout is a distinctive rocky summit on the northern fringes of the Owyhee Mountains. It has a rocky summit which requires a short rock climb but is otherwise a walk-up.  USGS Opalene Gulch Access Coyote Grade Road. This road is easily … Continue reading

Pilot Peak 8420

This peak is not in the book. Pilot Peak has two summits and a long East-West summit ridge. It is located east of the South Fork Salmon River in the northern part of the Salmon River Mountains. A fire lookout sits on its [lower] West Summit. This summit is designated as the named peak. It has only 120 feet of … Continue reading

Packer John Mountain

This peak is not in the book. Packer John Mountain is located in the North Fork Range, east of ID-55. The peak has a long North-South summit ridge which was once the home of a fire lookout. The true summit is farther south and almost 50 feet higher. USGS Packer John Mountain Access and Routes (Class 2) The North Fork … Continue reading

Puhitempi Kuaikatete

This peak is not in the book. This peak was formerly known as Squaw Butte. In 2022 the word “squaw” was removed from all geographic names in the United States. I have not found a translation for the name which is of Native American origin. Access is now apparently closed to the public. In April 2017, there were no “Private Property-No … Continue reading