Peak 9937 (North Smoky Dome)

This peak is not in the book but is referenced on page 215. Two routes are set out below and there is a discussion of the peak’s North Ridge as a possible ascent route. Use this link to read the new access route: North Smoky Dome Road Access. Updated July 2018 North Smoky Dome rises 406 feet from the saddle … Continue reading

Tyler Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 311 of the book. Larry Prescott and Livingston Douglas contributed the updates set out below. Updated December 2019 Tyler Peak is one of the most impressive summits in the southern Lemhi Range. Larry Prescott completed what is probably the first winter ascent in March 2016. I have excerpted the climbing … Continue reading

Lockman Butte

This peak is not in the book. Lockman Butte is located north of Mountain Home, Idaho. Access this butte from Canyon Creek Road [(D)(1)] on Page 154]. USGS Mountain Home North Follow Canyon Creek Road north across I-84. Soon after the pavement ends, the road crosses a bridge over a canal, which is a diversion from Canyon Creek. At 0.4 … Continue reading

Peak 4008 (Jackson School Butte)

This peak is not in the book. Updated September 2019 Jackson School Butte is located northeast of Mountain Home, Idaho and south of US-20. This broad butte is approachable from any direction but private property and access issues allow two different ascent routes. First, from the north via US-20 and the access to John Hoffman Reservoir. Second, from the northeast … Continue reading

South Butte by Ken Jones

This peak is not in the book. South Butte, the highest point of the Monumental Buttes, has 2,307 feet of prominence and is highly sought by people attempting to climb all of Idaho’s P2K summits. USGS Monumental Buttes Ken Jones’ route information follows: Ascent Trip Report Access Follow FSR-301 to its junction with FSR-457. I came from Clarkia on ID-3, … Continue reading

Castle Rock 5415

This peak is not in the book. Dan Kruger, John Platt and Pat McGrane have provided photos, access and route information on this impressive tower. Pat McGrane’s complete route description is found down the page. Updated April 2018 There are 8 Idaho features named Castle Rock. This one is a rugged tower located north of Shafer Butte. John Platt has … Continue reading