Fly Creek Point

This peak is not in the book. The Sleeping Deer Mountain Road provides high access to many Eastern Salmon River Mountains peaks. See the Sleeping Deer Mountain page for information on the road. A fire lookout was placed on the summit of Fly Creek Point in 1935 and was still occasionally used well into the 1960s. The lookout was reportedly … Continue reading

Peak 9553

This peak is not in the book. Peak 9553 is located between Sleeping Deer Mountain and Martin Mountain. It is just north of Wood Tick Summit. I recommend climbing the peak from the end of the Sleeping Deer Mountain Road via the trail system that leaves the road. After 1.0 mile, turn north and drop off the pass. Follow the … Continue reading

Sleeping Deer Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 132 of the book. Sleeping Deer Mountain is one of the giants of the central Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. Despite its location deep inside the “Frank,” access by vehicle will take you within 2 miles of its summit. This fact is made possible because, before the wilderness … Continue reading

Peak 10354 (Moose Perch)

This peak is not in the book. Sometimes called Moose Perch, this peak is located north of Angels Perch and just above Moose Lake. It is the northernmost peak on the ridge that follows the East Side of Wildhorse Canyon. Use the link below to see Dan Robbins’ trip report. USGS Standhope Peak … Continue reading

Tyee Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 147 of the book. Updated August 2021 Tyee Mountain is an isolated, seldom visited peak and an amazing spot to view the Sawtooth Range. USGS Tyee Mountain Access To access the peak via FSR-312, Graham Road [(B)(2.1) on Page 153], take ID-21 from Boise for 55 miles to the turn for … Continue reading