Peak 10878

This peak is not in the book. Livingston Douglas climbed the northeast ridge in 2021 which was likely a first ascent. His route description is set out below. Updated November 2021 Peak 10878 sits on a connecting ridgeline due north of Doublespring Peak. I climbed the peak on my way to the summit of Doublespring Peak. USGS Borah Peak Access … Continue reading

Peak 5440

This peak is not in the book. Peak 5440 is located east of Slide Gulch. The peak offers a nice early-season destination. The peak’s upper slopes are mostly treeless and easy to climb. USGS Twin Springs Access the peak by taking the Middle Fork Boise River Road to the Slide Gulch Road [(C)(1) on Page 154]. Follow the Slide Gulch … Continue reading

Peak 5591

This peak is not in the book. Peak 5591 sits just south of Federal Butte and southwest of Murphy, Idaho. The peak can be approached from Murphy via the Silver City Road, but it is best accessed from the west via Moores Creek. I climbed Peak 5591 from Moores Creek in conjunction with a climb of Federal Butte. See the … Continue reading

Peak 8037

Peak 8037 as seen from Goodenough Peak. Photo - Steve Mandella.

This peak is not in the book. Margo Mandella and Livingston Douglas each wrote reports on this peak which are set out below. Livingstonā€™s report also includes valuable information on map errors as well as more detailed access and route descriptions. Both reports will get you to the summit. Updated November 2020 Peak 8037 is located southeast of Pocatello, almost … Continue reading

Peak 10860 (Mount Rearview)

This peak is not in the book. USGS Ryan Peak Ragged and remoteĀ Mount Rearview is located due north of Griswold Peak where it divides the East and West Pass Creek drainages. The peak is Class 3 via either its North Ridge or South Ridge with a Class 4 summit block. George Reinier states of the North Ridge: “Some would classify … Continue reading

Peak 9475 and The Kong

Peak 9475 sits directly west of Peak 9760, which is on Page 198 of the book. I do not have the exact latitude and longitude coordinates for this small peak. Therefore, I have included the coordinates for Peak 9760 to get you to the correct spot. The Kong formation is located on the West Slopes of Peak 9475. These two … Continue reading