Peak 10179 (Six Lakes Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Six Lakes Peak is located 1.4 miles north of Washington Peak (on Page 226) between two scenic lake basins. It is the attractive culmination of a ragged ridge. Although unknown to most climbers, this peak is undoubtedly one of Idaho’s special peaks. Picturesque, rugged, steep-sided and without an obvious route, it towers above … Continue reading

Griswold Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 233 of the book. Three new route descriptions are set out below. The southeast/east ridge is first. Livingston Douglas’ southwest ridge and Cougar Canyon routes are discussed next. Griswold Peak is an unofficial, but appropriate, name for this big Boulder Mountains Peak. Rick Baugher named the peak in honor of … Continue reading

Shelly Mountain by Matt Durrant

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 264 of the book. Matt Durrant supplied the additional information and East Ridge Route description found below. Livingston Douglas made the first recorded descent of the peak’s Southwest Ridge in 2016. His route is found at this link: Southwest Ridge, Shelly Mountain by Livingston Douglas. Derek Percoski located a new West Side … Continue reading

Wet Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 287 of the book.  Wet Peak is located on the main Lost River Range Crest north of Invisible Mountain. Most ascents have started in the upper Wet Creek Drainage. Most climbers include this peak in a traverse which includes Octoberfest, Hidden Peak, Wet Peak and South Wet Peak. Use the … Continue reading

Peak 11458 (Roaring Peak)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 236 of the book. There are two route descriptions set out below that are not in the book, a GPS track for the North Ridge, and a discussion regarding the date of the first ascent. Judi Steciak, Carl Hamke, Rick Baugher, Derek Percoski and James Squires contributed the route information … Continue reading

Ferguson Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 283-284 of the book. Below you will find supplemental information for the two routes listed in the book, plus photos and comments on other potential routes. The Southeast Ridge Route is listed as Class 3-4 in the book. It should be listed as Class 3. Updated September 2018 Named after … Continue reading