Peak 9486 (South Alpine Peak)

This peak is not in the book.  Peak 9486 sits midway between Alpine Peak and Merritt Peak on the connecting ridge line. Lists of John identifies the peak as South Alpine Peak and Dave Pahlas calls it White Rock Peak. Climb the peak via the saddle on its West Ridge and the West Ridge. See Dave Pahlas’ trip report for … Continue reading

Peak 9963 (Alpine Creek Lake Peak)

This peak is not in the book. This peak is located on the main Sawtooth Crest at the top of the Alpine Creek drainage and southwest of Snowyside Peak. The name Alpine Creek Lake Peak is derived from a Dave Pahlas trip report and the peak’s geographic setting. Dave Pahlas climbed the peak from Flytrip Basin to the north and … Continue reading

Mount Bush

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 164 of the book. Updated September 2019 A subsidiary ridge running east from the main crest north of Fishhook Creek contains 4 formations that were first explored and climbed by the Iowa Mountaineers. From east to west, these formations are Mount Bush, Mount Bruce, Harriets Pinnacle and Schwartz Pinnacle.  From … Continue reading

Samaria Mountain (Wood Benchmark)

Samaria Mountain viewed from the east.

This peak is not in the book but the Samaria Mountains are discussed on Page 357 of the book. Livingston Douglas added three photos to this entry. Updated January 2023 Samaria Mountain is identified by name on some maps but it has not been officially recognized by the Board of Geographic Names. The mountain is identified on the Samaria USGS … Continue reading

Soda Springs Hills by Matt Durrant

The Soda Springs Hills are a small range located immediately northwest of Soda Springs. It includes both the Long Ridge and the Ninety Percent Range. This compact range is less than 7 miles long from north to south and less than 10 miles wide from east to west. It is separated from the Chesterfield Range in the north by Tenmile … Continue reading