Peak 9403

This peak is not found in the book.  Peak 9403 sits between Estes Mountain and Mount Greylock north of the Yankee Fork Town Site. It is 1.4 miles SSE of Estes Mountain, 0.8 miles NNE of Mount Greylock, and 0.6 miles east of Peak 9380. Climb this peak in conjunction with a climb of Mount Greylock. Climb this peak from … Continue reading

Oxford Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 356 of the book. Matt Durrant supplied the following detailed standard route information and photo. Farther down the page is information on my ascent up the peak’s west side. Still farther down the page, Livingston Douglas provided a new route on the peak, the northeast shoulder/north ridge. The register and summit … Continue reading

Bloomington Peak

Climbing and access information is on Pages 365-366 of the book. Matt Durrant provided the peak description and access and route article found below below. Below Matt’s article you will find Livingston Douglas’ 2018 route descriptions. USGS Paris Peak. Updated October 2018  Bloomington Peak by Matt Durrant  Bloomington Peak is a large conical mountain just east of the crest of … Continue reading

Mattingly Peak

Mattingly Peak is the summit on the right. John Platt Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 202 of the book. Mattingly Peak is located off the beaten track due west of Alturus Lake. This section of the range has been mostly ignored by climbers but there are a number of interesting summits and lakes worth visiting in this region. USGS Mount Everly Access [(A)(3)(a) on Page … Continue reading

Howard Peak

This peak is not in the book. Judi Steciak and Carl Hamke provided the following West Face Route information. See their article on the Missing Eleveners in the Climbing History Section of this site. Livingston Douglas climbed a variation of the West Face Route. His route description is found farther down the page. Howard Peak’s lower summit is known as Mustang … Continue reading

Boulder Lake Peak

This peak is not in the book. It is perhaps, the second most difficult Idaho 11er (behind True Grit), Derek Percoski provided the East Ridge route. Judi Steciak and Carl Hamke provided the South Ridge route. Updated August 2020 Ranked as the 103rd-highest peak in the State of Idaho, Boulder Lake Peak is just shy of being a member of … Continue reading