Peak 10356

This peak is not in the book. Peak 10356 is one of 4 ranked Boulder Mountains peaks surrounding Little Fall Creek. This peak can be climbed from most directions. You should be able to find a Class 2 route, no matter which way you approach the peak. The other 3 peaks are Peak 10340, Peak 10350 and Peak 10300. Additionally, … Continue reading

Peak 10340

This peak is not in the book. Peak 10340 is one of four Boulder Mountain peaks with 300+ feet of prominence that surround Little Fall Creek. This peak can be climbed from all of the drainages that surround it. You should be able to find a Class 2 route no matter which way you approach the peak. Little Fall Creek … Continue reading

Black and White Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 309-310 of the book. The route in the book is Rick Baugher’s route up the peak’s southeast face. Larry Prescott’s route climbed to the summit from Badger Creek via the peak’s northwest gully. Larry then continued on traversing the connecting ridge to Little Diamond Peak. Livingston Douglas has provided the … Continue reading

Slate Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 356 of the book. There are two important updates found below. Steve Mandella has provided a photo essay following a climb up the peak’s standard route. Livingston Douglas has provided two alternate route descriptions. USGS Clifton Creek. Updated November 2018 2015 Update by Steve Mandella Slate Mountain is a good … Continue reading

Peak 4540

Peak 4540 viewed from French John Hill.

This peak is not in the book. Also see the Owyhee Mountains Peaks List for all of the peaks in this range. Updated April 2019 The access road described below was recently posted as a “PRIVATE ROAD.” The road crosses about 50 feet of private property between US-95 and public lands. Check with the BLM before using the access road: +1 (208) … Continue reading

Peak 4620

This peak is not in the book. Also see the Owyhee Mountains Peaks List for all of the peaks in this range. Updated April 2019 The access road described below was recently posted as a “PRIVATE ROAD.” The road crosses about 50 feet of private property and then enters public lands. Check with the BLM before using the access road: +1 … Continue reading