Peak 11312 (Culmination Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Judi Steciak and Carl Hamke provided the following route information for the peak’s West Ridge Route and Southwest Face Route. See their article on the Missing Eleveners in the Climbing History Section of this site. Brett Sergenian provided the route information for the peak’s South Ridge Route and East Ridge Route. Updated August … Continue reading

Quartzite Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 170 of the book. The first and perhaps only ascent of this peak was made in 1960. Recently, John Platt and four others made an attempt on this seldom-visited summit. The team found that the peak was capped by an challenging granite tower. Use the link below to read John’s … Continue reading

West Warrior Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 148 of the book. Updated August 2021 West Warrior Peak is located southeast of Swanholm Peak and northwest of the confluence of Swanholm Creek and the Middle Fork Boise River. USGS Swanholm Peak Access and Route Update The access information in the book is still accurate with one exception. The … Continue reading

Hope Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 267 of the book. Updated November 2021 I hope to climb Hope Peak some day. I have climbed all the surrounding peaks and found it enticing, but it was always just out of reach. Hope Peak is located northeast of Mount Darcy and southeast of Trinity Peak. Hope Peak looks … Continue reading