Aggipah Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 123-124 of the book. Updated September 2019 Dave Pahlas recently climbed the route set out in the book and then returned to the saddle south of the summit. He then traversed southwest to climb Peak 9743 which he calls Waterfall Creek Peak and then continued his traverse to Sheepeater Mountain. … Continue reading

Bighorn Crags

The Bighorn Crags are discussed on Pages 122-126 of the book and there is an access map on Page 143. The Bighorn Crags form a distinctive, high-granite divide more than 20 miles in length which towers nearly 1,000 feet above the surrounding mountains. The Bighorn Crags offer many excellent challenges to mountaineers and a surprising amount of good rock to … Continue reading

Three Tree Butte

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 60 of the book. When I hiked this peak in 1983, there was clear cutting in the vicinity. There are now developed mountain bike trails here. Use the link for the excellent Hiking from Here website below to find more recent information. USGS West Dennis … Continue reading

Kinzie Butte

This peak is not in the book. Livingston Douglas provided the additional access and route information. Updated November 2021 Kinzie Butte is located on the Snake River Plain north of Shoshone, Idaho. I climbed to its summit one winter from US-93 by crossing sagebrush-covered BLM land. If you hike it early in the year, you may find a pond in … Continue reading