Peak 11151 (The Ramp)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 257 of the book. The book details a route from Lake Creek. There are two additional routes given below. The Northeast Ridge Route is the recommended route for both this peak and Double U Peak. Updated July 2020 The Ramp is the 95th-highest Idaho Peak. It is one of the … Continue reading

Peak 11202 (Cardiac Peak)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 223 of the book. Peak 11202 is a White Cloud Peak that sees few ascents, because it looks forbidding from all angles. Some people call this peak “Cardiac Peak” and some call it “Granite Peak.” I think that Idaho has enough Granite Peaks. Rick Baugher made the first known ascent via … Continue reading

Shoshone John Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 309-310 of the book. Shoshone John Peak is located on the main Lemhi Range Crest south of Diamond Peak. It is positioned between Big Boy Peak and Black and White Peak. Most ascents have used the Bunting Canyon approach on the peak’s West Side. This side looks daunting when viewed … Continue reading

Peak 11220 (Alcyone Peak)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 257 of the book. The elevation has been updated to 11,220 feet. Updated July 2020 Alcyone Peak forms the junction of the west and east forks of the Smiley Lobe. It is the second-highest peak in this extension of the Pioneer Mountains. The book list two routes: one from the … Continue reading

Little Diamond Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 310 of the book. Little Diamond Peak is the 75th-highest peak in Idaho. It is seldom climbed. See the link below to Larry Prescott’s trip report on his climb up Bunting Canyon and the link for Rick Baugher’s 1988 climb. USGS Fallert Springs   … Continue reading