Observation Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 159 of the book. Observation Peak has a trail leading to its summit and great views of the neighboring Sawtooth peaks. In recent years, fires have burned its slopes and, although the hike is now hotter, the views are better. USGS Stanley Lake … Continue reading

Log Mountain


Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 117 of the book. Since my first ascent of Log Mountain in 1988, a lot of the forest on its West Side has burned. In 2013, I climbed the peak with John Platt and John Fadgen from the East. Shell Rock Peak is located just east of Log Mountain and … Continue reading

The Ogre

Climbing and access information for this peak (called Mount Ogre in the book) is on Page 100. Please note that more recent estimates put the elevation of The Ogre at 9,256 feet, a bit higher than the book’s figure. USGS He Devil   … Continue reading

Mount Eldridge

The upper slopes of Mount Eldridge.

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 120 of the book. Updated August 2019 This is the first peak south of Elk Summit and is part of an impressive, high ridgeline that connects Elk Summit and Profile Gap. The summit is a short scramble from Elk Summit and FS-340. This peak was named for a Captain Eldridge … Continue reading

The Cross (Galena Benchmark)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 234 of the book. The Cross is the westernmost Boulder Mountains peak. It is located just east of Galena Summit and ID-75. The peak is a popular Winter ascent along with nearby Avalanche Peak. Avalanche danger awareness and avoidance is a prerequisite to a Winter ascent. USGS Horton Peak Use … Continue reading

Tower of Babel

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 98-99 of the book. The book lists two routes, the somewhat-obscure Marshall Ledges Route and the South Ridge Route. The South Ridge route is more accurately named below the South Ridge/South Face Route. Down the page you will find photos of the summit block portion of the South Ridge Route … Continue reading