Peak 8740

This peak is not in the book.  I have not climbed this peak. It is located 1.1 miles due north of the He Devil and west of Sheep lake. This is a 1984 shot which labeled them. Looking at it in 2014 and comparing to the map, I am not 100% positive this is the peak. USGS He Devil   … Continue reading

Devils Throne

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 101-103 of the book. Devils Throne is a long way from Sheep Lake, so it is not often climbed. This is a shame since the peak is both attractive and imposing. USGS He Devil … Continue reading

She Devil

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 99 of the book. The latest USGS elevations for this peak give it the same elevation as He Devil at 9,420 feet. So it is not clear which of the two peaks is the highest peak in the Seven Devils Mountains. Please see Ken Jones’ note on the He Devil … Continue reading

Lions Head

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 38 of the book. The route information contained in the book came from Neil McAvoy, who made the first ascent in 1964. I note that there is a SummitPost entry for this peak that is critical of the book entry, calling it completely wrong. Since Neil passed away many years … Continue reading

Bald Mountain 9368

Bald Mountain. Brett Sergenian Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 151 of the book. The elevation has been updated to the current measurement. Since the book was published the  peak’s western slopes was burned by a forest fire which removed the forest cover. Updated August 2021 This peak is the smaller twin of Steel Mountain. The ridge hike to its … Continue reading

Potaman Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 219 of the book. Potaman Peak is a peak which is part alpine and part foothill in nature. It is seldom visited. When I was on the summit, there were windows from the long-gone fire lookout stacked up just below the summit. As a former lookout site, the view is … Continue reading