Peak 10099 (Backdrop Peak)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 212 of the book. Livingston Douglas contributed a new route and photos. The peak is not named in the book where I noted it formed a scenic backdrop to Baker Lake. Others quickly adopted the name Backdrop Peak. Updated November 2022 This peak rises up directly behind Baker Lake in … Continue reading

Peak 10137 by Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 212 of the book. Updated November 2022 Peak 10137 is located just southeast of Baker Peak on the main Smoky Mountain crest. USGS Baker Peak Access Same as for Baker Peak. This is the second leg of a 2-peak adventure that includes Baker Peak (10,174 feet) and Peak 10137. North … Continue reading

Baker Peak by Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for the north ridge of Baker Peak is on Page 212 of the book. Livingston Douglas has added two additional routes. Updated November 2022 Baker Peak is located southwest of Baker Lake. It is most often climbed as part of a ridge walk starting at Baker Lake that includes Backdrop Peak and Peak 10137. USGS Baker … Continue reading

Peak 10181

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 227 of the book. Peak 10181 is one of several nice unnamed summits located near Horton Peak. It has been referred to as “Champion Peak.” However, nearby Peak 10121 is more commonly accepted as “Champion Peak.” Peak 10181 has also been called “Pole Creek Peak-1.” USGS Horton Peak … Continue reading

North Twin Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 132-133 of the book. Updated by Livingston Douglas November 2021 North Twin Peak is one of only a handful of 10,000ers in the Eastern Salmon River Mountains. It towers over Spruce Gulch Lake and has a magnificent, steep gully that splits its south face. North Twin Peak is the fifth-highest … Continue reading