Pilot Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 146 of the book. Pilot Peak is a P2K peak with 2,087 feet of prominence, which ranks it at #92 in the State of Idaho. The peak is a very popular Winter destination for snowmobiles, skiers and snowshoers. The parking lot on ID-21 at Mores Creek Summit fills up quickly … Continue reading

Rattlesnake Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 149 of the book. Anna Gorin provided the 2023 update found below which (1) demonstrates the Forest Service is once again maintaining the access trail and (2) adds a new route—the peak’s east ridge. Updated May 2023 The area around Rattlesnake Peak has been devastated by forest fires. The Tipton … Continue reading

Jumbo Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 151 of the book. I am not sure where the name “Jumbo Mountain” came from since this mountain is smaller than all of its neighbors. USGS Jumbo Mountain … Continue reading

Granite Peak 8273

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 106 of the book. Granite Peak’s summit is a 2-minute walk from the Snowbank Mountain Road. It may be the easiest Class 2 peak to bag in Idaho. Follow the road to its high point on the peak’s South Slopes and park in the wide turnout. A use trail quickly … Continue reading

Sams Throne

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 110-111 of the book. Sams Throne is an interesting and remote peak with good access. This area burned in the 1990s. Be sure to check out John Platt’s 2014 trip report for up-to-date conditions. USGS Hershey Point … Continue reading

Snowbank Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 106 of the book. The highest point in the West Mountains has a radar dome on its West Summit and additional electronics installations on its East Summit. It is difficult to tell that the East Summit is the high point. Both summits are reached by FSR-446 that is usually open … Continue reading