Ramskull Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 125-126 of the book. This peak towers above Harbor and Wilson Lakes. The easiest route on this peak climbs up steeply from its West Ridge with poor opportunities to set protection. I do not know of any attempts on its East or North Faces. USGS Mount McGuire   … Continue reading

Red Rock Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 333 of the book. Set forth below is an extensive update provided by Livingston Douglas which includes three routes. His north ridge route is the first recorded ascent of that ridge. Red Rock Mountain is located 1.2 miles NNW of Mount Jefferson and sits directly on the Continental Divide. Like … Continue reading

Nahneke Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 205 of the book. This is the southwestern most peak in the Sawtooth National Recreation area. The shortest approach is via the Little Queens River Trail which is accessed west of Atlanta, Idaho. USGS Nahneke Mountain   … Continue reading

Last Tango Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 130 of the book. This Tango Peak summit, which pales in comparison to its neighbors (Cabin Creek Peak and Mount Loening) is, nevertheless, a worthy goal and a good vantage point midway between its two neighbors. USGS Knapp Lakes … Continue reading