Peak 11473 (Horseshoe Mountain)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 270 of the book. Horseshoe Mountain is seldom climbed. Rick Baugher made the made the first recorded ascent. Rick speculated that government surveyors may have visited the summit in 1924. Use the links below to read trip reports by Rick Baugher, John Platt and Dave Pahlas. USGS Borah Peak … Continue reading

Peak 11477 (The Moat)

Climbing and access information for this peak’s southeast ridge is on Page 284 of the book. Supplementary beta is found below. Updated September 2021 Rick Baugher likely made the first ascent of this cliffy giant. Use the link below to read his trip report. Rick calls the peak “The Moat” because of its “proximity to Castle Peak and being surrounded … Continue reading

Salzburg Spitzl

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 245 of the book. I erred in the book adding an “er” onto the end of Salzburg. The correct name is Salzburg Spitzl. Salzburg Spitzl is an attractive 11er peak with no short approaches. The shortest approach is probably via Pioneer Cabin. USGS Phi Kappa Mountain   … Continue reading

Angels Perch

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 252 of the book. Angels Perch takes effort to reach as it is tucked away on the East Side of the northern lobe of the Pioneer Mountains. USGS Standhope Peak … Continue reading

Peak 11917

This peak is not in the book. Based on new LiDAR data this peak’s elevation is now listed at 11917 feet which replaces the map elevation of 11909. Updated October 2023 Peak 11917 is the 16th-highest summit in the State of Idaho. It is located 0.8 miles NNE of Leatherman Peak. This peak is located north of and connected to … Continue reading

Heart Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 126 of the book. Heart Mountain is a seldom-climbed peak in the Bighorn Crags. I’ve only looked at it from across the valley, but it appears to have good granite lines on its North Face. USGS Mount McGuire … Continue reading