Peak 10201 (Eidelman Peak)

Eidelman Peak. John Platt Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 325 of the book, where the name is spelled incorrectly. Updated January 2019 Eidelman Peak is located west of the main Beaverhead Crest between Willow Creek to the north and Italian Canyon to the south. It has a broad summit that offers spectacular views of the Lemhi Range to the … Continue reading

Copper Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 327 of the book. The book contains information for ascending the peak’s West Ridge. Livingston Douglas has provided (see below) updated access information and a new route up the peak’s West Shoulder and South Ridge. Livingston points out that “For warm weather climbers like me, you might find my alternative … Continue reading

Mount Two Top by Livingston Douglas

The summit area of Mount Two Top. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Updated November 2020 Mount Two Top is located on the east side of Henrys Lake. As its name implies, Mount Two Top is a mountain with twin summits. The north summit (8,710 feet) is higher than the south summit (8,666 feet). The true/north summit has three USGS benchmarks atop it. Mount Two Top … Continue reading

Scout Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 356 of the book. Livingston Douglas provided the major updates (below) to the information found in the book. Updated November 2018 Scout Mountain is probably the most visited summit in the Bannock Range because of its close proximity to Pocatello and the relatively easy access from a paved road. It … Continue reading

Elk Mountain (Horse Prairie BM)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 323 of the book. I identified the [lower] North Summit as Elk Mountain and this peak as Horse Prairie Peak because (1) there are too many Elk Mountains in Idaho, (2) the high point is the site of the Horse Prairie BM and (3) Horse Prairie is a much more … Continue reading