Couch Peak (Elk Ridge)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 215 of the book. Couch Peak will be overlooked by most because it’s lower than most of the surrounding peaks. I recommend it nonetheless because of it is a great viewpoint with over 1,600 feet of prominence. See the link to Dan Robbins’ trip report below. USGS Sydney Butte … Continue reading

Shell Rock Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 117 of the book. Shell Rock Peak is located due east of Log Mountain, the highest summit on the massive Log Mountain/Deadwood Divide. I climbed this peak with John Platt and John Fadgen. Use the Log Mountain page to see updated access information to climb this peak from Johnson Creek. … Continue reading

Silver Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 147 of the book. This peak is a short walk from the nearest road. Unfortunately, the nearest road is a rough-and-tumble affair that will test your driving and route-finding skills. Make a day of it and climb Silver Mountain, Shepard Peak, Goat MountainĀ and North Goat Peak. It is a long … Continue reading

Hard Butte

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 109-110 of the book. Hard Butte is another Idaho peak with the ruins of a fire lookout on its summit. A trail leads to the summit from 2 directions. The best access is from Hazard Lake Road. USGS Patrick Butte … Continue reading

Square Top

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 115 of the book. Reaching Square Top requires a long hike. See John Platt’s trip reports linked below for both 2013 and 2017 ascents. When John followed trails to Square Top in 2013, there was a lot of downfall along the way. But his 2017 trip report shows that the … Continue reading