Jump Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 325 of the book. An access update provided by Judi Steciak is found below. Jump Peak and its neighbors, Eighteenmile Peak and Cottonwood Benchmark, enclose a beautiful high valley. It is possible to climb all 3 peaks in a day. USGS Cottonwood Creek Judi Steciak reports that access has changed for the Eighteenmile … Continue reading

Peak 10965

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 310 of the book. Peak 10965 is located in the Lemhi Range near Nicholson Peak. The ridge walk between this peak and Nicholson Peak is straightforward and without serious obstacles. USGS Fallert Springs After climbing the peak from Nicholson Peak, I descended the peak via the drainage that leads back … Continue reading

Yellow Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 302 of the book. Yellow Peak is one of top peaks in the Lemhi Range. Access is good and the neighboring peaks are worth climbing. I recommend backpacking into this area and spending two or three nights exploring the high Lemhi Range. USGS Yellow Peak … Continue reading

Cabin Creek Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 130-131 of the book. Updated October 2023 Cabin Creek Peak is of one Idaho’s true hidden treasures, This spectacular summit is located NNE of Stanley, Idaho on a ridge line that is sometimes identified as the Tango Peaks. This knife blade-shaped peak is composed of fine grained slabs granite that … Continue reading

Italian Peak East

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 325-326 of the book. Based on LiDAR data this peak is the actual highest point on Italian Peak. The new measurements also place this mountain into the Idaho 11ers. The access directions in the book are no longer valid due to a road closure. Use the access information set out … Continue reading

Flatiron Mountain

Flat Iron Peak from Yellow Pass.

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 302-303 of the book. Livingston Douglas provided updated information for the Northwest Ridge Route. Flatiron Mountain is the 122nd-highest Idaho peak. It is often climbed in conjunction with nearby Big Creek Peak via a strenuous scramble along the connecting ridge. USGS Big Creek Peak Northwest Ridge, Class 2+ by Livingston … Continue reading