Black Pine Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 351 of the book. The book used an elevation of 9,385 feet based on an older 15-minute quadrangle. The newer 7.5-minute quad lists the elevation as 9,386 feet. This difference is important because it means that this peak is arguably (but not positively) the highest point in the Black Pine Mountains. … Continue reading

Black Peak (Black Benchmark)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 351 of the book. The newest 7.5-minute quadrangle shows a spot elevation on the summit as 9,385 feet. The National Geodetic Survey data sheet shows the elevation as 9,389 feet. The USGS Benchmark does not have an elevation stamped on it. claims that Black Peak is the high point … Continue reading

Ruffneck Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 129 of the book. Updated September 2019 Ruffneck Peak is located 21 miles northwest of Stanley, Idaho. The peak towers over 3 lake basins, the largest of which is on its East Slopes. A trail climbs through the eastern lake basin past Langer and Ruffneck Lakes. There is a fire … Continue reading

Avalanche Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 234 of the book. Avalanche Peak, along with The Cross, gets a lot of ski ascents due to its close proximity to Galena Summit and ID-75. Avalanche danger awareness and avoidance is a prerequisite to attempting a Winter ascent of Avalanche Peak. Skiers have been caught by avalanches on this … Continue reading

JT Peak

This peak is not in the book. This peak is located near the headwaters of the South Fork Payette River, south of Grandjean. John Platt and I recorded the first ascent of this peak in 2011. It is rated as the 6th-steepest peak in the State of Idaho. The first time I saw this peak was in 1990 (see A … Continue reading

Trinity Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 149 of the book. Updated August 2021 This big peak is a bit civilized with its still staffed fire lookout and a road that leads to the summit. A fire lookout was built on the summit in 1922. The current structure was built in 1956. The road is only open … Continue reading