Peak 9847 (Old Decker)

Old Decker. John Peak Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 180 of the book. The information reported in the book was a second-hand report and has not been field checked. Old Decker is located on a North/South Divide that runs from Grand Mogul to Decker Peak. This peak was at one time incorrectly identified as Decker Peak. I have not … Continue reading

Paris Peak

Paris Peak. Matt Durrant Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 365 of the book. Matt Durrant and especially Livingston Douglas have provided updates which will help you explore this mountain. Livingston points out that the peak’s summit block is a difficult Class 3 bushwack rather than the Class 2 rating found in the book. USGS Paris Peak. Updated October 2018 … Continue reading

Peak 8852 (Castletop Peak)

This peak is not in the book. The first article is by Matt Durrant. The second contribution is by Livingston Douglas. Both submissions will aid in your exploration of this interesting peak. USGS Paris Peak. Updated October 2018 This peak is located southwest of Paris Peak and can be climbed along with White Face Peak which sits just to to … Continue reading

Diamond Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 308 of the book. This update includes a lot of photos as well as information on climbing the peak from the west. Dan Paulson provided a photo essay showing the entire East Ridge Route. Use the link below to read Rick Baugher’s  discussion of the peak’s early history. Diamond Peak … Continue reading

Peak 8347 (Black Pearl Peak)

Black Pearl Peak. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Updated September 2023 Black Pearl Peak is another Lick Creek Range peak scoped out by John Platt. This peak sits directly south of Pearl Peak. The mountain is typical of Lick Creek Range peaks with lots of exposed granite, slopes with burned trees both standing and fallen, and a vertical North Face. USGS … Continue reading

Peak 11039 (Atlas Peak)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 257 of the book. George Rainier, Steve Mandella and Charlie Eiriksson have provided the additional route information and photos found below. Updated October 2020 Atlas Peak, the 119th-tallest peak in Idaho, is rarely climbed but is well worth the effort. The peak is becoming more popular, with ascents from both … Continue reading