Snowdrift Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 368 of the book. Livingston Douglas provided the update found below which provides important access information in this age of ATV trails. Updated November 2018 Snowdrift Mountain is located east-northeast of Georgetown, Idaho and directly north of Meade Peak. USGS Snowdrift Mountain 2018 Update by Livingston Douglas  North Ridge, Class 2 … Continue reading

Mandolin Peak by Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 255 of the book. Updated November 2022 Mandolin Benchmark is the high point on a ridge crest that runs from Swede Peak to Peak 9043. It is most easily reached from the ridge crest trail (FST-327) that skirts the east side of Mandolin Benchmark. From the 8,780-foot shoulder crossing southeast … Continue reading

Bonneville Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 360-361 of the book. For information on traversing Bonneville, Snow Peak and Haystack Mountain, click on this sentence. Below you will find additional, detailed climbing route information by Livingston Douglas and Ken Jones. Updated November 2018 Although not reaching 10,000 feet, Bonneville Peak is a big mountain. It is the highest … Continue reading

Al West Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 270 of the book. Brett Sergenian has climbed a new route on the peak which is set out below. Al West Peak is the first peak north of Mount Borah on the main Lost River Range Crest. Rick Baugher made the first ascent via the peak’s South Ridge. Use the … Continue reading

Anderson Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 232 of the book. Updates include Margo Mandella’s trip report and photos and Livingston Douglas two new routes and photos. Updated November 2021 In June, when higher peaks are still covered by snow, Anderson Peak is the place to view the surrounding mountains: the Lost River Range, the Salmon River … Continue reading

Sheep Mountain 9649

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 264 of the book. Livingston Douglas added the new, more challenging, routes below in addition to new photos. Updated November 2020 Sheep Mountain is located north of Antelope Creek and west of US-93 and the former town of Darlington. This area thaws out early and Sheep Mountain and its neighbors … Continue reading