Straight Shot Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 268 of the book. The book details the original route climbed by Baugher and Ferguson in 1995. My 2003 route up the west ridge is discussed below. You will also find a GPS track from 2018. Livingston Douglas provided new access point, the initial section of ascent route, and more … Continue reading

Peak 11332 (Limestone Peak)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 285-286 of the book. Please note that this peak is erroneously named Triple Peak in the book. Access to Lower Cedar Creek and travel up the drainage has significantly changed since the book was published. Thanks to Livingston Douglas, we now have updated, detailed west side access information and a … Continue reading

Point 11308

This peak is on a spur ridge of Peak 11367/Mount Morrison (Page 274 in the book). This summit is 0.65 miles NNW of the summit of Peak 11367. It is not listed as a separate peak in the book because the connecting ridge does not drop more than 300 feet. Nevertheless, as the route descriptions below demonstrate, this peak offers … Continue reading

Peak 10742 (Williams Peak)

This peak is not in the book. The north ridge was the only known ascent route. Livingston Douglas added a new more difficult route which was likely a first ascent, more description of the standard descent route, more detailed description of the access, and new photos. Finally, LiDAR has updated both the elevation and prominence of Williams Peak. Updated November … Continue reading

Mount Corruption

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 282 of the book. There are two routes listed in the book. Expanding on this information, you will find below the Northwest Gully/North Ridge Route set out in photos followed by photos of Pat McGrane’s Complete North Ridge Route. Derek Percoski climbed the peak via its south ridge which was … Continue reading

Lost River Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 283 of the book. Updated June 2022 Access to Lost River Mountain was recently closed at the point where it first crosses private land, The access route, BLM road MK127, crosses BLM and private land as it provides access to Forest Service land at the point where Upper Cedar Creek flows out … Continue reading