Peak 9766 by Livingston Douglas

Peak 9766 and its LONG southeast ridge. The summit is right of center. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 9766 is located on the Continental Divide and is an easy climb (mostly on the CDT) from Goldstone Pass. The southeast summit is the high point (9,766 feet) but by only a measly foot as compared to its northwest summit (9,765 feet). Peak 9766 towers over two beautiful Montana … Continue reading

Peak 9500 by Livingston Douglas

Peak 9500 and its gentle south face. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 9500 is an overlooked summit that sits just north of FST-165/Rock Creek Basin Trail. It can easily be combined with a climb of Peak 9584 in Rock Creek Basin or Mount Jefferson along the Continental Divide to the west. Peak 9500 has a gentle south side but its north … Continue reading

Peak 8661 by Livingston Douglas

Peak 8661 (flattish hump, left of center) as viewed from farther east on the Continental Divide. Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 8661 is located on the Continental Divide in the South Beaverheads. It sits above the headwaters of Middle Creek (ID and MT) and is in a remote section of the Continental Divide. Access from the Idaho side (via Middle Creek Road) is questionable due to private property access issues. … Continue reading

Peak 8871 by Livingston Douglas

Peak 8871 (center) and its northeast ridge as viewed from the West Modoc/Middle Modoc ridge crest to its northeast. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 8871 is one of two peaks that sit on a ridgeline at the head of West Modoc Creek and Middle Modoc Creek. The other peak is Peak 8860. Peak 8871 sits just behind, and southwest, of the ridgeline proper. There is an ATV trail/road on the ridge crest (FST-013) … Continue reading

Peak 7340 by Livingston Douglas

Looking up the final stretch of the northwest ridge at the summit of Peak 7340. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2020 Peak 7340 is the high point on a ridge line that parallels Mahogany Ridge. Rash Canyon separates these two ridges that sit south of Fall Creek Canyon. Like many of the Caribou Ranges, the northwest ridge of Peak 7340 has its ups and downs, but they are not as pronounced … Continue reading

Peak 6420 by Livingston Douglas

Peak 6420 (dead center, mid-ground) as viewed from Peak 6796 to its southeast. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2020 Peak 6420 sits above The Narrows: a rugged, cliff-faced section of Wolverine Canyon in the Blackfoot Mountains. Hikers drive past this peak on their way to Taylor Mountain, which is another 2.4 miles up Wolverine Road. Peak 6420 is an easy scramble from a gully to its east and offers … Continue reading