Peak 9195 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023 Peak 9195 is located in the southern Beaverhead Mountains. It separates Blue Canyon to its south from Bear Wallow Canyon to its north. Peak 9195 sits northeast of Copper Mountain (10,303 feet) and is just east of the primary north-south Beaverhead Crest. USGS Copper Mountain Access From the junction of … Continue reading

Peak 7500 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023 Peak 7500 sits atop Horse Ridge on the east side of Chandler Canyon in the southern section of the Beaverhead Mountains. It is most easily reached by rugged, rutted Chandler Canyon Road. USGS Shamrock Gulch Access From the junction of ID-22/ID-28, drive east on ID-22 for 10.4 miles to [unsigned] … Continue reading

Peak 7220 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023 Peak 7220 is located along Medicine Lodge Road in the southern section of the Beaverhead Mountains. It sits above two creek convergences: the convergence of Fritz Creek and Medicine Lodge Creek and the convergence of Cold Creek and Medicine Lodge Creek. The land comprising Peak 7220 is a mix of … Continue reading

McEleny Mountain by Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 128 of the Book. The information in the book about this trail is outdated and inaccurate. Published November 2023 McEleny Mountain is the high point on a forested ridge located southeast of Hoodoo Meadows in the Yellowjacket Mountains. It can be reached by an unmaintained trail on the west face … Continue reading

Peak 8807 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023 Peak 8807 is located on a forested, high ridgeline southeast of Yellowjacket Lake. It can be climbed directly from FSR-114 from Frog Meadows to its northwest. Alternatively, Peak 8807 can be climbed in combination with its [higher] neighbor to the southwest (Peak 8962) as I did. Access Same as for … Continue reading

Peak 8962 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023 Peak 8962 is the high point on a ridge that is located due east of Hoodoo Meadows and southeast of Yellowjacket Lake. It is most easily climbed from FSR-114/Yellowjacket Lake Road and its west side. Peak 8962 sits above the headwaters of the West Fork Yellowjacket Creek and has a … Continue reading