Peak 5060 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2023 Peak 5060 is a brushy hump that sits between Macks Creek and Pine Creek in the Boise Mountains. It is seldom climbed and is a tiresome, albeit short, bushwhack from Pine Creek Road to its south. This area is a mix of private and public land, so be careful. These … Continue reading

Peak 4123 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2023 Peak 4123 is a handsome hump that sits above the Cottonwood Guard Station and massive Arrowrock Reservoir in the Boise Mountains. It is often overlooked by climbers due to its low elevation but is a wonderful scramble from the Guard Station. USGS Arrowrock Reservoir NE Access From ID-21 at the … Continue reading

Peak 10284 (Ursa Peak) by Judi Steciak

This peak is not in the book. The name was originally suggested by Rick Baugher. Published October 2023 Ursa Peak is located at near the headwaters of Rear Creek and Squib Canyon. The peak towers above the North Fork Big Lost River. USGS Meridian Peak Access Primary access is from the North Fork Big Lost River Road. Leave this road … Continue reading

Meridian Peak East by Judi Steciak

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2023 Meridian Peak East is located between Meridian Peak and Far East Peak. We climbed it with Far East Peak from the connecting saddle, which we accessed from Slide Creek. USGS Meridian Peak Access Drive about 9.0 miles up North Fork Big Lost River Road [B) (2) FS-128 on Page 242]. … Continue reading

Peak 10260 (Far East Peak) by Judi Steciak

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2023 Far East Peak (a.k.a. Slide Peak) is located due east of Meridian Peak. We combined this summit with an ascent of its neighbor Peak 10217 (Meridian Peak East), which is located less than a mile to the northeast. This traverse makes for a pleasant ridge walk between peaks. USGS Meridian … Continue reading