Castle Peak and Molybdenum

Castle Peak from Peak 10405.

In the 1960s, the American Smelting and Refining Company was preparing to develop an open pit molybdenum mine on the North Side of Castle Peak. The remnants of the company’s extensive mining camp are still standing below the peak. There is a good summary of the dispute on the Boulder White Clouds Council’s website: The Battle for Castle Peak. This … Continue reading

Wayne Boyer

Wayne Boyer was a compatriot of Lyman Dye and one of the founders of the EE DA HOW Mountaineers, an Eastern Idaho climbing club. Boyer, along with Dye and Art Barnes, climbed many difficult routes in Eastern Idaho including his first ascent of the East Face of Mount Borah in 1962. … Continue reading


[Editor’s Note: Joe Leonard is a man who spent his first 5 years living in the Idaho backcountry in his grandparents’ cabin. From that point, his life just got more interesting each year. He was behind many “first” accomplishments in Idaho, including the first Winter ascent of Mount Regan, the first backcountry skiing guide service in the United States, the … Continue reading